Quan Yin – božica ljubavi i sućuti

Kuan Yin, goddess of compassion. Kuan means Earth and Yin is the female life force. She is a completely enlightened Buddha who made a promise in the distant past that after reaching complete enlightenment she would always appear in female form for the benefit of all beings. By iconographic category and hierarchy she is a meditational deity and her appearance is that of a peaceful deity. Kuan Yin has strength which is embraced by softness.:

Kuan Yin, goddess of compassion. Kuan means Earth and Yin is the female life force. She is a completely enlightened Buddha who made a promise in the distant past that after reaching complete enlightenment she would always appear in female form for the benefit of all beings. By iconographic category and hierarchy she is a meditational deity and her appearance is that of a peaceful deity. Kuan Yin has strength which is embraced by softness.


Kuan Yin, božica sućuti. Kuan znači Zemlja, a Yin je ženska životna snaga. Ona je potpuno prosvijetljena Buddha koja je u dalekoj prošlosti obećala da će se nakon što postigne potpuno prosvjetljenje uvijek pojavljivati u ženskom obliku za dobro svih bića. Po kategoriji ikonografije i hijerarhije ona je božanstvo meditacije, a njena pojava pripada božanstvu mira. Kuan Yin ima snagu koja je okružena mekoćom.

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